Tracy Tully

Author name: mrwcoaching

Tracy Tully is the creator of a coaching method that produces influential speakers, Unlock Your Voice to lift your: Profile, Presence & Profit. As an award-winning international speaker, Tracy provides training giving voice to the voiceless advancing economic prosperity across cultures and beyond borders for a more equitable world.

Melbourne school students plan walk out in support of Palestine

Former Principal Tracy Tully told Today that she worried the rally could get “out-of-control” quickly.
“I’ve seen these things turn very quickly and you end up with a school lockdown which is horrendous,” she said.

“No-one wants that. Who is protecting those students who are vulnerable who don’t even want to be in that conversation.”

Melbourne school students plan walk out in support of Palestine Read More »

Queensland schools to trial shortened school days | 9 News Australia

Public schools in Queensland are trialling shortened schools day with some testing half days and some staggering start and finish times. Former Queensland principal Tracy Tully on the Gold Coast and child psychologist Andrew Greenfield believe the move is “advantageous” and allows senior students prepare for university with its “adaptable flexible feel to their learning.”

Queensland schools to trial shortened school days | 9 News Australia Read More »