Tracy Tully

Author name: mrwcoaching

Tracy Tully is the creator of a coaching method that produces influential speakers, Unlock Your Voice to lift your: Profile, Presence & Profit. As an award-winning international speaker, Tracy provides training giving voice to the voiceless advancing economic prosperity across cultures and beyond borders for a more equitable world.

Fighting for Queenslanders

Things got a little fiery in state Parliament as I advocated for teachers and nurses to have a choice to join whichever industrial association/union they wanted to.
There is now competition amongst the unions which is a great thing.
Why would a government deny every teacher and nurse the choice to join a union which would save them hundreds of dollars??
Find out why – watch the debate above.

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Unvaccinated Queensland teachers facing the sack as mandate deadline looms

Unvaccinated Queensland teachers facing the sack as mandate deadline looms Thousands of Queensland teachers have been told their jobs will be lost if they maintain a refusal to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Queensland’s Education Minister Grace Grace has issued the warning, however the Teachers’ Professional Association of Queensland has argued the unvaccinated can work safely

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Senator Roberts with Tracy Tully

Senator Roberts with Tracy Tully Another fantastic anti-mandate March through Brisbane City to Queensland Parliament. Teachers, nurses, firies, miners and many more all demanding an end to the useless unethical vaccine mandates. Great to see Red Union here, the only people to actually represent the rights of workers against vaccine mandates. IWUA – Independent Workers’

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Muzzle The Mob

MUZZLE THE MOB “Too little too late, smoke and mirrors to muzzle the mob”, says former senior principal Tracy Tully, following the June announcement by Qld Education Minister Grace Grace. Responding to the national media’s bright spotlight on Australian school principal abuse she tweeted “Great to launch our strategy today with key stakeholders & virtual audience

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